Awesome start, missing features
This is really a great first start, but it is a few features off a 5 star app in my opinion (I will update my review once/if they implement them).
1. Custom notifications
By default it just sends push notifications for certain stories, and for some people thats fine. But I want to have notifications for every article published, so having a way to choose the frequency/granularity of notifications would be a welcome addition.
2. "Breaking" and "Feature" tags
One thing I really miss from the web version are the tags for breaking and feature stories. Some way to set those apart at a glance would make this app even more useful.
3. Paid version to remove adds
Its great that the app is free, but I would be willing to pay a few bucks to remove the somewhat distracting ads on every page.
4. More obvious day separator
When scrolling through the list of articles, it would be nice to have a more obvious separator between each day (rather than small date stamps), perhaps similar to the letter separators between names in Address Book.
5. Mark as read
A way to mark an article as read would be awesome. Perhaps even just reducing the opacity of the read article slightly so the unread ones stand out more.
6. App badge
With the above feature added, it would be great to have the app icon badge display the number of unread articles. Again, this could be an option in a settings menu.
7. iPad version
The form factor of the iPad would make it ideal for an AI app.
Otherwise I really enjoy the app. Love the swipe feature to move between articles!!
Chris Meek about
AppleInsider, v1.0